Versele Laga Oropharma vitamins for birds health 25 g

Vendor: Versele Laga
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Versele Laga Oropharma vitamins to support the health of birds and ensure that they get the integrated nutritional value that helps them build their bodies and give them strength and activity to flutter and tweet. It is a balanced mixture of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and essential elements for healthy growth.

Product features
The best product, an ideal food supplement for breeding, rich in vitamins and minerals that are very important for the health of birds
A group of vitamins helps to make the feathers stronger and shinier, so that you can enjoy seeing their wonderful, delightful colors
Provides the body with elements and vitamins that help in the mating process, especially in male birds
It contains a high percentage of calcium, which helps in good growth and strengthening of bones and making them strong
It works to form a good eggshell and perfect feather structure
Ensures good breeding and mating of birds
Versele Laga Oropharma vitamins to support the health of birds, rich in fiber necessary for the digestion process.

Usage Instructions
2 equal measuring spoons (= 8 grams) per 100 grams of Orlux Egg Food.
During preparation for the breeding season (3 to 4 weeks prior to laying of the first egg) and during the breeding season (from hatching): added to the egg feed daily.
Outside the breeding season: added to egg food twice a week.

Product size
25 grams
all stages
Product Type
dry food
Breed type
All kinds of birds
Packaging type
Trade mark
Versele laga

كود المنتج:



0.025 kg

نوع المنتج:

  • فيتامينات

شكل المنتج:

  • بودره

نوع التغليف:

  • بوكس
  • عبوة


  • كالسيوم
  • A فيتامين
  • D فيتامين
  • E فيتامين
  • C فيتامين
  • B فيتامين
  • بيوتين
  • l-lysine
  • السيلينيوم

العناية الصحية:

  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • دعم الجهاز المناعي
  • صحة الجهاز الهضمي
  • تحفيز الخصوبة للذكور
  • منع أكل البيض
  • نمو ريش صحي
  • العناية بالعظام
  • تحكم في النمو

النظام الغذائي:

  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • نسبة كالسيوم عالية
  • بيوتين
  • زنك