Royal Canin cat dry food to get rid of hairballs in the stomach

Vendor: Royal Canin
31.05 ريال
31.05 ريال
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Free of charge, and Sharia compliant.
Weight: 400 g

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Royal Canin cat dry food to get rid of hairballs in the stomach

Dry cat food, used as a complete food for adult cats, contains a group of nutrients necessary for the healthy growth and vitality of cats. Royal Canin dry food for adult cats has a distinctive, irresistible flavor. It has been specially developed to get rid of hairballs in the stomach. Shop all your cat needs from Panda, the best cat and pet store.

Product characteristics:

  • Brand: Royal Canin
  • Size: 2 - 4 - 10 kg - 400 g
  • Product type: dry food for adult cats
  • Flavor: Chicken

Royal Canin cat dry food

  • A complete balanced meal for adult cats
  • A mixture of minerals to maintain the urinary tract
  • Amino acids strengthen the heart and make the eyes bright
  • Dietary fiber keeps excess hair moving through the gut
  • The Anti-Hairball Bark Complex is twice as effective at preventing hairballs as regular food

How to use:

  • Offer an appropriate amount of dry cat food depending on the cat's weight and appetite.
  • Depending on the cat's activity level and body condition, the amounts of dry cat food and/or the time allowed for eating may need to be adjusted.
  • Make sure to provide your cat with fresh water with dry food every day in a clean bowl.
  • Proper diet and veterinary care are the best ways to keep your cat healthy
  • Do not force the cat to eat if it is not hungry. If the loss of appetite persists, consult your vet.
  • Store dry cat food in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight.

Shop all your cat needs from Panda, the best cat and pet store

كود المنتج:



0.4 kg

نوع المنتج:

  • طعام جاف

المرحلة العمرية:

  • Adult


  • دجاج


  • A فيتامين
  • D فيتامين
  • السيلينيوم
  • E فيتامين
  • زيت السمك

العناية الصحية:

  • علاج كرات الشعر
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • صحة الجهاز الهضمي
  • صحة الجلد والفرو
  • صحة القلب
  • العناية بالعين
  • العناية بالجهاز البولي

النظام الغذائي:

  • طبيعي
  • بروتين عالي
  • نسبة عالية من الألياف
  • اوميجا 3&6
  • تحتوي على حبوب
  • زنك