Kit Cat Puree Snack, Chicken & Fish Oil, for Skin and Coat, 60g

Vendor: Kit Cat
14.89 ريال
14.89 ريال
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Kit Cat Creamy Cat Treats

Chicken and Fish Oil flavored cat treats from Kit Cat, with unique flavors that cats adore. Manufactured with an advanced formula rich in vitamins to suit indoor cats, Kit Cat's cat treats are designed by experts in pet nutrition to provide a balanced proportion of essential nutrients. These treats are specially formulated to help treat hairballs and come with the irresistible taste that cats can't resist. They are free from chemicals, artificial colors, and sugar, and are made to the highest quality standards. Shop for all your cat's needs at Panda, the best store for cats and pets.

Product Specifications:

  • Product Type: Cat Treats
  • Brand: Kit Cat
  • Size: 60 grams
  • Main Ingredients: Chicken and Fish Oil

Features of Kit Cat Cat Treats:

  • A light and irresistible snack, perfect for training and rewarding your cat. These treats are great for adding an extra dose of moisture to your cat's diet while satisfying their strong desire for snacks throughout the day.
  • Suitable for all life stages.
  • Contains Omega-3 to promote skin and fur health and prevent hair shedding.
  • Vitamin E for cell health.
  • Vitamin D3 for bone health.
  • Contains taurine for heart and cardiovascular health.
  • Contains biotin for nail, skin, and fur health.
  • Improves digestion process.
  • Sugar-free.

Feeding Instructions:

  • Suitable for cats aged 3 months and older.
  • Always provide drinking water in front of your pet.


  • Store in a cool and dry place.
  • Avoid direct sunlight.

Shop for all your cat's needs at Panda, the best store for cats and pets.

    كود المنتج:



    0.06 kg

    نوع المنتج:

    • مكافآت

    المرحلة العمرية:

    • كيتن
    • بالغ
    • مسن


    • دجاج
    • سمك

    شكل المكافأة:

    • مكافأه كريمي

    نوع التغليف:

    • كيس


    • التورين
    • بروبايوتيك
    • E فيتامين
    • أوميغا 3
    • زيت السمك

    العناية الصحية:

    • فيتامينات ومعادن
    • الحفاظ على السوائل بالجسم
    • دعم الجهاز المناعي
    • العناية بالعين
    • صحة الجلد والفرو
    • صحة القلب
    • يصلح للتدريب
    • خالي من الألوان واﻹضافات والمواد الصناعية
    • لمعان الفرو
    • التحكم في تساقط الشعر
    • صحة الجهاز الهضمي
    • فاتح شهية

    النظام الغذائي:

    • طبيعي
    • خالي من الحبوب
    • خالي من الذرة والقمح والصويا
    • اوميجا 3&6
    • فيتامينات ومعادن
    • تورين
    • خالي من الجيلاتين
    • خالي من السكر
    • نسبة رطوبة عالية
    • دهون أقل
    • خالي من الخنزير ومشتقاتة