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Josera wet food for adult cats with chicken and veal flavor 70g

Vendor: Josera
8.91 ريال
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"Josera" - Wet Mashed Food for Adult Cats with Chicken and Veal Flavor

Treat your adult cats to the exceptional flavor of "Josera" wet cat food, thoughtfully crafted with a delectable fusion of chicken fillets and tender veal. Specifically tailored for mature felines, this meal offers a harmonious and complete dietary system, delivering balanced nutrition and vitality. The natural flavor of the food is irresistible to your cats, while providing high energy levels, antioxidants, and proteins to support healthy growth and reinforce the immune system. "Josera" cat food is free from harmful chemicals and artificial colors, adhering to the highest quality standards. Find all your cat's essentials and nourishment at Panda, the ultimate destination for premium cat supplies and pet care.

Product Specifications:

  • Product Type: Wet cat food
  • Brand: Josera
  • Size: 70 grams
  • Main Ingredients: Chicken fillets and veal

Key Features of Josera Wet Cat Food:

  • Grain-free formula to support oral health and sensitivities.
  • Absence of preservatives, colors, sugar, soy, and dairy products.
  • Provides ideal nutritional content for healthy and balanced growth.
  • Supports skin and fur health with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Maintains urine acidity level (pH 6.5-6) to prevent urinary stone formation.
  • Packaged in resealable bags to preserve full flavor in every serving.

Analytical Constituents:

  • Protein: 14.5%
  • Fat: 5.5%
  • Fiber: 0.2%
  • Minerals: 2.3%
  • Calcium: 0.26%
  • Phosphorus: 0.23%

Feeding Guidelines Based on Weight (kg):

Weight (kg) 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-7 Mixture of Wet and Dry Food
Food Amount (bags) in 24 hours 2-1.5 2.5-2 3-2.5 3.5-3 70g of Wet Food = 15g of Dry Food


  • The provided quantities are guidelines; adjust as per your cat's activity level.
  • Ensure clean water is available to your cat at all times.
  • Unused portions can be refrigerated for up to 24 hours.

Explore Panda, the premier pet store offering a comprehensive range of cat essentials, from premium supplies to nourishing food, guaranteeing the well-being of your cherished feline companions.

كود المنتج:



0.07 kg

نوع المنتج:

  • أكل رطب

المرحلة العمرية:

  • بالغ


  • دجاج
  • لحم

نوع التغليف:

  • كيس


  • أوميغا 3
  • D فيتامين
  • E فيتامين
  • كالسيوم
  • التورين

العناية الصحية:

  • العناية بالجهاز البولي
  • لمعان الفرو
  • صحة الجلد والفرو
  • العناية بالكلى
  • منع تكوين الحصوات
  • دعم الجهاز المناعي
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • فاتح شهية
  • خالي من الألوان واﻹضافات والمواد الصناعية
  • صحة الجهاز الهضمي
  • صحة القلب
  • العناية بالعين
  • الحفاظ على السوائل بالجسم
  • نسبة بروتين عالية

النظام الغذائي:

  • خالي من الحبوب
  • طبيعي
  • اوميجا 3&6
  • خالي من السكر
  • زنك
  • تورين
  • حساسية هضمية
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • بروتين عالي