Josera Catelux Dry Cat Food, with Chicken, Control Hairballs and Urinary Care

Vendor: Josera
20.01 ريال
20.01 ريال
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Weight: 400 g

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Josera Catelux Dry Cat Food, with Chicken, Control Hairballs and Urinary Care

Josera Catelux Dry Cat Food, with Chicken, intended for adult cats. Dry food for cats is full of important nutrients for healthy growth, support for cat immunity, and enhance its vitality and activity. It also contains moderate fat content, which makes Josera cat food ideal for your cats, no matter how picky they are. It contains Valuable fatty acids from salmon oil, vitamins and trace elements for healthy skin and a shiny coat, with a pH value of 6.0-6.5 to reduce the risk of urinary tract stones formation in cats, Characteristics of cat food from Josera makes breeders needless to fear for the health and immunity of their pets.

Product Characteristics:
Brand: Josera 
Size: 15 kg - 10 kg - 2 kg - 4.25 kg - 400 gm
Product type: dry food for adult cats
Main ingredients: chicken

Features of Josera Culinesse Dry Food for adult cats:

  • Contains fibers that help transport hair formed through the digestive system and get rid of it.
  • Contains 20% dried chicken and 6% duck.
  • Contains calcium to build bones and teeth.
  • L-carnitine for heart health.
  • Contains phosphorous and zinc to strengthen and grow nails.
  • Contains a group of vitamins important for the general health of your pet.
  • Contains vitamin A for healthy skin and coat.
  • Vitamin B12 to strengthen the nerves and the growth of nerve cells.
  • Contains selenium for healthy bone growth and muscle strength.
  • Contains natural fibers that help get rid of hairballs.
  • Store in a cool dry place.
  • Follow the feeding instructions on the schedule.
  • Make sure you have clean, fresh water in front of your pet most of the time.

كود المنتج:



0.4 kg

نوع المنتج:

  • طعام جاف

المرحلة العمرية:

  • Adult


  • دجاج


  • السيلينيوم
  • L-carnitine
  • A فيتامين
  • D فيتامين
  • E فيتامين
  • C فيتامين
  • كالسيوم
  • B فيتامين
  • بيوتين
  • التورين

العناية الصحية:

  • العناية بالفم والأسنان
  • علاج كرات الشعر
  • دعم الجهاز المناعي
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • صحة الجلد والفرو
  • صحة الجهاز الهضمي
  • العناية بالجهاز البولي
  • صحة القلب
  • العناية بالعضلات
  • العناية بالعين
  • العناية بالعظام
  • العناية بالجهاز العصبي
  • منع تكوين الحصوات
  • خالي من الألوان واﻹضافات والمواد الصناعية

النظام الغذائي:

  • طبيعي
  • اوميجا 3&6
  • زنك
  • تحتوي على حبوب
  • تورين
  • نسبة عالية من الألياف