فروتايبلز مكمل غذائي للقطط والكلاب بنكهة اليقطين يساعد على تغيير من طعام لآخر 425ج | متجر باندا.

Fruitables Supplement for Dogs and Cats, Pumpkin 425g

Vendor: Fruitables
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Fruitables is a food supplement for cats and dogs with pumpkin

Fruitables is a food supplement for cats and dogs with pumpkin, intended for cats and dogs of all ages and types, it helps to change from one food to another, as you can use it to gradually move from one diet to another, it works to strengthen immunity and healthy growth of the body and improve the process of food conversion and get rid of unwanted fats, It facilitates digestion and supports the immunity of the intestine. Shop all cat and pet supplies from Panda, the best pet store.

Product characteristics:

  • Product type: food supplement for cats and dogs
  • Brand: Fruitables
  • Size: 425 gm

Features of Fruitables Food supplement for cats and dogs

  • It contains important fibers for the body, and it is also a source of nutrition for your pet
  • It helps in controlling the bacteria of the intestines and stomach, which reduces the occurrence of disorders in the digestive system, and this gives a benefit in moving from one type of dry food to another type that is placed on the new type of dry food at a certain percentage, which reduces the occurrence of diarrhea and intestinal distress as a result of the sudden change of type of dry food

How to use:

 30% of the meal is made from wet food and 70% from the new dry food that you want to use for your pet for 6 days.

  • Shop all your cat's needs from the best cat store

كود المنتج:



0.425 kg

نوع المنتج:

  • فيتامينات

المرحلة العمرية:

  • كيتن
  • بالغ
  • مسن
  • جرو


  • pumpkin

شكل المنتج:

  • معجون

نوع التغليف:

  • معلبات


  • A فيتامين
  • C فيتامين
  • E فيتامين

العناية الصحية:

  • الحفاظ على السوائل بالجسم
  • صحة الجهاز الهضمي
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • خالي من الألوان واﻹضافات والمواد الصناعية
  • التغيير من طعام لآخر
  • دعم الجهاز المناعي
  • فاتح شهية

النظام الغذائي:

  • طبيعي
  • خالي من الحبوب
  • خالي من الذرة والقمح والصويا
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • نسبة عالية من الألياف
  • خالي من الجيلاتين
  • دهون أقل