بريفيري طعام جاف للقطط الصغيرة بنكهة بالدجاج

Bravery Dry Food for Kittens with Chicken

Vendor: Bravery
96.72 ريال
96.72 ريال
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4.8 SAR

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Free of charge, and Sharia compliant.
Weight: 2 Kg

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Bravery Dry Food for Kittens with Chicken

Cat dry food is intended for small cats, used in the early stages of growth as a complete and balanced food for kitten cats, this dry cat food contains a group of nutrients to meet the needs of cats, dry food with a pleasant flavor for cats, and rich in ideal and healthy vitamins, Bravery special cat food for small cats from One to 12 months, and it can be used after the weaning stage. Shop all your cat needs from Panda, the best cat and pet store.

Product characteristics:

  • Brand: Bravery
  • Size: 2 kg
  • Product type: dry food for cats
  • Flavor: chicken

Bravery dry food for kittens

  • Promotes optimal and healthy growth
  • Provides cats with energy and activity
  • Works to strengthen the teeth of kittens and mothers
  • Contains minerals, vitamins, proteins and important elements to strengthen bones and muscles

How to use:

  • Offer an appropriate amount of dry cat food depending on the cat's weight and appetite.
  • Depending on the cat's activity level and body condition, the amounts of dry cat food and/or the time allowed for eating may need to be adjusted.
  • Make sure your cat has fresh water with dry food available every day in a clean bowl.
  • Proper diet and veterinary care are the best ways to keep your cat healthy
  • Do not force the cat to eat if it is not hungry. And in the event that the cat's loss of appetite persists, consult the veterinarian.
  • Store dry cat food in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight.

Shop all your cat needs from Panda, the best cat and pet store

كود المنتج:



2.0 kg

نوع المنتج:

  • طعام جاف

المرحلة العمرية:

  • كيتن
  • بالغ


  • دجاج


  • كالسيوم
  • أوميغا 3
  • A فيتامين
  • D فيتامين
  • E فيتامين
  • شوندرويتين
  • الجلوكوزامين
  • C فيتامين
  • التورين
  • L-carnitine
  • بيوتين

العناية الصحية:

  • دعم الجهاز المناعي
  • نسبة بروتين عالية
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • طاقة عالية
  • العناية بالعضلات
  • العناية بالفم والأسنان
  • العناية بالمفاصل
  • صحة الجهاز الهضمي
  • جلوكوزامين
  • العناية بالعظام
  • فاتح شهية
  • تحكم في النمو
  • مضاد حساسية

النظام الغذائي:

  • طبيعي
  • خالي من الجيلاتين
  • بروتين عالي
  • اوميجا 3&6
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • خالي من الحبوب
  • زنك
  • تورين