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Applaws Wet Cat Food Chicken & Pumpkin 70 g

Vendor: Applaws
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Applaws Wet Cat Food: A Wholesome Delight for Your Feline Companion

Applaws wet cat food offers a distinctive flavor that's tailored to satisfy even the most selective cats. This premium cat food provides your domestic cat with the highest quality of meat protein it needs. Applaws cat meals are carefully crafted to include essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals necessary for your cat's well-being. These meals are designed to fulfill 100% of your cat's daily nutritional requirements, promoting a healthy, balanced diet rich in natural minerals and vital vitamins for coat health, hair fall prevention, and enhanced growth.

Product Specifications

  • Product Type: Wet Cat Food
  • Brand: Applaws
  • Size: 70 grams
  • Ingredients: Chicken with Pumpkin Seeds

Features of Applaws Wet Cat Food

  • Composed entirely of 100% natural ingredients
  • Contains chicken breast 50%, chicken broth 24%, pumpkin 25%, rice 1%
  • Provides a light and nutritious meal for your cat's digestion without weight gain
  • Chicken breast is easily digestible and rich in necessary proteins for muscle strength
  • Pumpkin, a rich source of natural fiber, aids digestion and prevents constipation

A Nutritious Supplement to Your Cat's Diet

Applaws wet cat food can be used as a nourishing complementary food alongside dry food. It is of high quality, on par with human-grade products. Free from preservatives, Applaws products maintain your pet's vitality and energy.

Convenient for On-the-Go

The convenience of Applaws wet cat food makes it perfect to carry with you anywhere, ensuring your cat never experiences hunger on-the-go.

Expertly Selected Ingredients

Ingredients are of superior quality, carefully chosen under the supervision of specialists and veterinarians. Applaws products are free from allergens that can disturb your cat's sleep.

Usage Instructions

  • Store at room temperature
  • Refrigerate for up to 48 hours after opening
  • Always provide clean and fresh drinking water

Shop All Your Cat's Essentials at Panda

Find and purchase all your cat's necessities and nutritional needs at Panda, the finest pet store for your cherished pets.

كود المنتج:



0.07 kg

نوع المنتج:

  • أكل رطب

المرحلة العمرية:

  • Adult


  • دجاج
  • يقطين

نوع التغليف:

  • bag


  • التورين

العناية الصحية:

  • صحة الجهاز الهضمي
  • صحة القلب
  • العناية بالعين
  • نسبة بروتين عالية
  • الحفاظ على السوائل بالجسم
  • صحة الجلد والفرو
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • خالي من الألوان واﻹضافات والمواد الصناعية
  • دعم الجهاز المناعي
  • العناية بالعضلات

النظام الغذائي:

  • طبيعي
  • بروتين عالي
  • خالي من الذرة والقمح والصويا
  • خالي من الجيلاتين
  • تورين
  • حساسية هضمية
  • فيتامينات ومعادن
  • زنك