Delivery and shipping are free for orders of 250 riyals or more. Otherwise, the delivery and shipping fee is 25 riyals. Fees apply to the additional weight of the shipment after 15 kg, corresponding to 1 riyal for each additional kilo in all cities of the Kingdom except the city of Riyadh, where the weight is open and not specified.
Delivery and shipping duration
Ordered in Riyadh before 2pm, delivered on the same day and to the rest of the Kingdom within 2-5 days.
Contains a group of important grains for the growth of the bird in a healthy and safe way. Grains and water are placed daily, and some fresh vegetables should be placed at a rate of 20% for the bird.
Contains all the important elements for the health of the bird
Improves the digestive process of the bird
Important for healthy feather growth and maintenance
Contains calcium and phosphorous, which are important for the growth of the bird's bones